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- Neem | Anti-inflammatory | Detoxifying | Blood Cleansing | Purifying

Neem is a powerful bitter and cooling alterative herb that holds strong detoxifying properties. Common in ayurvedic practices, it is used to cleanse and purify the blood and remove toxins involved in most inflammatory skin diseases. It is known to have anti-infectious, antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic actions. It is used topically to treat skin infections such as eczema and ringworm and as an anti-inflammatory for joint and muscle pain.
Neem is a typical bitter tonic, meaning it is known to help cleanse the liver, by regulating the production of bile and acid in the body. It is also known to help reduce fat and regulate sugar metabolism. This in combination with its blood detoxification properties makes neem known to have anti-tumor properties. It is a general purifier that helps clear foreign and excess tissue. It should be used with discretion.
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- Anti-Inflammatory Herbs
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- Neem
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